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Mat-Su eCommerce Online

Mat anuska -Su sitna Borough

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Welcome to the Borough's ecommerce site. You can pay for Parks & Rec fees and some permits, and Business licenses here. For a list of all services with online payments, go the the MSB Payments Page.

Disclaimer: Not Optimized for Mobile Devices

Permits and Licensing
  • Apply
  • Buy Permit
  • Buy Permit
  • Get Permit


Existing online payment options, using Point & Pay will be phased out as we build replacements. Until then, when paying online with Point and Pay, a convenience fee  of 2.95% for taxes, and $3 per hundred (or any portion of a hundred) for other transactions is assessed.

Planning Department Fees: At this time, only Driveway, Flood, Construction, Marijuana, Encroachment, Alcohol, Legal Non-Conforming, and Multi-Family permits are available for online payment. Please pay all other Planning Department fees by check or money order and mail to Matanuska-Susitna Borough, 350 E Dahlia Ave Palmer AK 99645. To ensure your payment is credited accordingly, include the fee payment name in the memo field as well as property identifier. If you would like to drop your payment off, a secure payment drop box is located outside at the Borough Administration Building, 350 E Dahlia Ave, on left of the front entrance double doors. This payment drop box is checked several times a day. For questions in regards to Planning Department Fees, please call 861-7822.

* If your tax or LID account is in foreclosure status, payments cannot be made online, as only certified funds or cash can be accepted on these accounts. *

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